Fans are clamoring for a favorite DC series to be renewed for another season. The studio has been non-committal about bringing it back

By James Brizuela | Published 2 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

One of the best aspects of comics that DC Animated Universe has truly nailed is how well done their features and shows are. It can be left up to debate on how the live-action films have been received, but DC truly knows how to please their fans when it comes to the accuracy and truly exciting nature in which the animated side of things operates. That is certainly the case as fans have been clamoring for DC to go forward with a Young Justice Season 5. The show has done so well that the series fourth season is currently ongoing and fans are looking forward to the future.

Young Justice Season 5 would be very welcomed, as there are consistent twists and turns that keep fans guessing on what might happen next in the animated show. Series creators, Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti have already given the fans so much to think about with season four, and no one can truly predict what is going to happen next. All that fans want is the show to be renewed through HBO Max and Cartoon Network. The episodes come out every Thursday, which further confuses long-time fans on their would-be predictions. The Twitterverse has exploded with fan receptions already.

This Twitter user has just asked in a very simple way for Young Justice Season 5. They got by the name of Geralt. Is this just Henry Cavill in disguise on Twitter? I would personally give him what he wants.

This Twitter user has responded to a Tweet from one of the cast members on the show, Zeno Robinson, who is Cyborg. Zeno tells the Twitterverse that Greg Weisman promises to bring back Wally West in Young Justice Season 5. Whether or not “just trust me bro” can be taken at face value, he does work on the show.

Virginia James on Twitter just asks for Young Justice Season 5 while stating how they cannot wait for the second half of season four. As you can see, Weisman and Vietti are clearly doing what they intended to do: turn their fans rabid and wanting more. Isn’t that what we all want?

I remember feeling like a family when Game of Thrones was coming out on a weekly basis. Then everyone turned on each other when season 8 came out. The rest of the world needs to take some notes from Young Justice Season 5 and bring back the togetherness that this show has truly awakened in fans.

Another fan has taken to the promise from Zeno and the return of Wally West and used veracity in a statement that brings a sort of elegant nature to their begging for Young Justice Season 5. Well played.

Finally a threat. Depending on the age of those Twitter users who are simply just being sweet in their requests for Young Justice Season 5, this Twitter fan has claimed that the show should be renewed or Helga Jace will be sent after the creators. Watch out, she has no issues with euthanizing normal humans.

The collective DCAU fanbase wants Young Justice Season 5 to keep going and it seems as though there is plenty of support from the world of Twitter to back the begging and need for the show to keep going. For now, returning fans and new fans can stream the show on HBO Max and join in on what is making fans beg the creators to keep this show going.
