Hot 107.9 Atlanta is a popular radio station in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The station plays a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music. It is owned and operated by Cox Media Group.

Hot 107.9 Atlanta has been on the air since 1979. It is one of the most popular radio stations in Atlanta, and it has won numerous awards, including the Marconi Award for Station of the Year.

Hot 107.9 Atlanta is known for its strong community involvement. The station hosts a number of events throughout the year, including concerts, festivals, and charity drives.

Hot 107.9 Atlanta

Hot 107.9 Atlanta is a popular radio station in the Atlanta metropolitan area. It plays a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music and is known for its strong community involvement.

  • Frequency: 107.9 FM
  • Format: Hip-hop, R&B, pop
  • Owner: Cox Media Group
  • Launched: 1979
  • Awards: Marconi Award for Station of the Year
  • Community involvement: Concerts, festivals, charity drives
  • Target audience: Adults 18-49
  • Signal: Covers the Atlanta metropolitan area
  • Website:

Hot 107.9 Atlanta is one of the most popular radio stations in Atlanta. It has a strong community involvement and is known for its mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music. The station's target audience is adults 18-49, and its signal covers the Atlanta metropolitan area.


The frequency 107.9 FM is the specific radio frequency on which "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" broadcasts its signal. This frequency is allocated to the station by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and allows listeners to tune in to the station using a standard FM radio receiver.

  • Availability and Accessibility: The 107.9 FM frequency ensures that "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is widely accessible to listeners within its broadcast range. By transmitting on a commonly used FM band, the station can reach a large audience with minimal interference.
  • Signal Strength and Coverage: The frequency 107.9 FM provides reliable signal strength and coverage throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area. This allows listeners to enjoy clear and consistent audio quality, even in areas with potential signal obstructions.
  • Station Identification: The frequency 107.9 FM serves as a unique identifier for "Hot 107.9 Atlanta." By consistently broadcasting on this frequency, the station establishes a strong brand presence and makes it easy for listeners to find and tune in to their favorite programs.
  • Technical Compatibility: The 107.9 FM frequency is compatible with a wide range of FM radio devices, including car stereos, portable radios, and home audio systems. This ensures that listeners can access "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" on various platforms and enjoy their favorite music, news, and talk shows.

In summary, the frequency 107.9 FM is a crucial aspect of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta." It enables the station to broadcast its signal effectively, reach a large audience, and establish a strong brand identity.


The format of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is a crucial aspect of its identity and appeal. By focusing on hip-hop, R&B, and pop music, the station targets a specific audience and caters to their musical preferences.

  • Genre Appeal: Hip-hop, R&B, and pop are popular genres that resonate with a wide range of listeners. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" taps into this popularity by offering a mix of these genres, ensuring that there is something for everyone.
  • Cultural Connection: Hip-hop and R&B have strong cultural roots in the Atlanta area. By playing these genres, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" connects with the local community and reflects the city's vibrant music scene.
  • Target Audience: The station's format appeals to a diverse target audience, including young adults, urban listeners, and music enthusiasts. By catering to their musical tastes, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" builds a loyal following.
  • Competitive Advantage: In a crowded radio market, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s focus on hip-hop, R&B, and pop gives it a competitive advantage. It differentiates the station from others and attracts listeners who are passionate about these genres.

In conclusion, the format of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is a strategic choice that aligns with the station's target audience and the musical preferences of the Atlanta community. By playing a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music, the station establishes a strong brand identity and attracts a loyal listenership.


The ownership of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" by Cox Media Group has a significant impact on the station's operations, programming, and overall success.

  • Financial Stability: Cox Media Group is a large and established media company with substantial financial resources. This financial stability provides "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" with the necessary support to maintain high-quality programming, invest in new equipment, and expand its reach.
  • Industry Expertise: Cox Media Group has decades of experience in the radio industry and a deep understanding of the Atlanta market. This expertise enables "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" to stay competitive and adapt to changing industry trends.
  • Network and Resources: As part of Cox Media Group, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" has access to a network of other radio stations, websites, and media outlets. This allows the station to share resources, collaborate on projects, and cross-promote its content.
  • Community Involvement: Cox Media Group encourages its stations to be actively involved in their local communities. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" has embraced this commitment through various initiatives, such as charity drives, community events, and partnerships with local organizations.

In conclusion, the ownership of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" by Cox Media Group provides the station with a solid foundation for success. Cox Media Group's financial stability, industry expertise, network of resources, and commitment to community involvement empower "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" to deliver high-quality programming, engage with its audience, and make a positive impact on the Atlanta community.


The launch of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" in 1979 marked a significant milestone in the Atlanta radio landscape. This event had a profound impact on the station's development and its enduring connection with the local community.

One key aspect of the "Launched: 1979" component is its historical significance. The station's establishment in 1979 placed it among the early pioneers of Atlanta's FM radio scene. This gave "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" a unique opportunity to shape the city's musical tastes and establish itself as a trusted source of entertainment and information.

Furthermore, the launch year of 1979 coincides with a period of significant cultural and musical change. The late 1970s witnessed the rise of disco, soul, and early hip-hop, genres that would later become central to "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s programming. By aligning itself with these emerging trends, the station was able to tap into a growing audience and build a loyal following.

In practical terms, the "Launched: 1979" component serves as a foundational element for understanding "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s longevity and success. The station's early establishment allowed it to cultivate a deep connection with the Atlanta community, fostering a sense of nostalgia and familiarity among its listeners. Moreover, the station's long-standing presence has enabled it to adapt and evolve alongside the city's changing demographics and musical preferences.

In conclusion, the "Launched: 1979" component is an integral part of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s identity and its enduring appeal. The station's early establishment in Atlanta's radio scene, coupled with its alignment with emerging musical trends, laid the groundwork for its success and its continued relevance to the Atlanta community.


The Marconi Award for Station of the Year is a prestigious honor bestowed upon radio stations that demonstrate exceptional performance in various areas, including programming, community service, and technological innovation. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" has been recognized with this award, solidifying its position as a leading radio station in the Atlanta market and beyond.

The Marconi Award serves as a testament to "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s commitment to delivering high-quality programming that resonates with its audience. The station's diverse music selection, engaging on-air personalities, and innovative promotions have earned it a loyal listenership and widespread recognition within the industry.

Winning the Marconi Award for Station of the Year has several practical implications for "Hot 107.9 Atlanta." It enhances the station's credibility and reputation, making it more attractive to advertisers and potential listeners. The award also serves as a valuable marketing tool, allowing the station to promote its achievements and further establish its brand identity.

Furthermore, the Marconi Award recognition reflects "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s commitment to the Atlanta community. The station's dedication to local news, traffic updates, and community events has made it an integral part of the city's fabric. The award serves as an acknowledgment of the station's positive impact and its role in serving the community's needs.

In conclusion, the "Awards: Marconi Award for Station of the Year" component is a significant aspect of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s identity and success. The award recognizes the station's excellence in programming, community service, and innovation, further solidifying its position as a leading radio station in Atlanta.

Community involvement

"Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is deeply committed to community involvement, which is evident through its active participation in concerts, festivals, and charity drives. This involvement plays a crucial role in strengthening the station's connection with the Atlanta community, fostering a sense of shared purpose and mutual benefit.

The station's involvement in community events provides a platform to engage with listeners beyond the airwaves, creating personal connections and building a loyal audience. These events offer opportunities for listeners to meet the on-air personalities, participate in interactive activities, and experience the station's brand in a tangible way. By actively participating in community events, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" reinforces its position as a vital part of the city's cultural landscape.

Moreover, the station's dedication to charity drives demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility and giving back to the community. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" has partnered with various charitable organizations to raise funds and support causes that resonate with its listeners, such as fighting hunger, homelessness, and disease. These initiatives not only make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need but also foster a sense of unity and purpose among the station's audience.

In conclusion, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s community involvement through concerts, festivals, and charity drives is an integral part of its identity and success. By actively engaging with the community, the station builds strong relationships with its listeners, supports important causes, and reinforces its position as a responsible and influential voice in the Atlanta area.

Target audience

Understanding the target audience is crucial for any business, and "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is no exception. The station's target audience is adults 18-49, a demographic that is both large and desirable. Adults 18-49 are more likely to be employed and have disposable income, making them an attractive target for advertisers. Additionally, this demographic is typically more active and engaged in their community, making them more likely to participate in the station's events and promotions.

In order to appeal to its target audience, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" plays a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music. This mix of genres is designed to appeal to a wide range of tastes, and it has proven to be successful in attracting and retaining listeners. The station also has a strong commitment to community involvement, which helps to build relationships with its target audience. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" sponsors a number of events throughout the year, including concerts, festivals, and charity drives. These events provide opportunities for the station to connect with its listeners and give back to the community.

The focus on adults 18-49 has been a key factor in the success of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta." By understanding the needs and interests of its target audience, the station has been able to develop a programming strategy that appeals to a large and loyal listenership.


The signal coverage of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining its connection with its target audience within the Atlanta metropolitan area.

  • Extensive Reach: The station's signal effectively reaches a vast majority of the Atlanta metropolitan area, ensuring that its programming is accessible to a large and diverse audience. This extensive coverage allows "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" to have a significant impact on the local music scene and cultural landscape.
  • Community Engagement: The station's strong signal enables it to actively engage with the Atlanta community. Through its programming, events, and promotions, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" fosters a sense of connection and shared experiences among its listeners. This engagement contributes to the station's strong brand loyalty and community involvement.
  • Targeted Advertising: The well-defined coverage area of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" makes it an attractive option for advertisers looking to reach specific demographics within the Atlanta metropolitan area. Local businesses and organizations can leverage the station's signal to effectively target their advertising campaigns, maximizing their impact and return on investment.
  • Emergency Broadcasting: In the event of emergencies or important announcements, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s extensive signal coverage ensures that critical information can be disseminated quickly and efficiently to the Atlanta community. The station's role as a reliable source of information during such times further strengthens its connection with its audience.

In conclusion, the signal coverage of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is a crucial factor in the station's success and its ability to connect with its target audience. The station's extensive reach, community engagement, targeted advertising opportunities, and emergency broadcasting capabilities collectively contribute to its strong presence and influence within the Atlanta metropolitan area.


The website serves as an integral component of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta," providing listeners with a comprehensive digital platform to engage with the station and its programming.

  • Program and Artist Information: The website offers detailed information about "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s programming schedule, including show descriptions, host profiles, and guest appearances. It also provides artist biographies, upcoming concerts, and exclusive interviews, enhancing listeners' knowledge and connection to their favorite music and personalities.
  • Interactive Features: The website incorporates interactive features that foster community engagement and personalization. Listeners can participate in online polls, contests, and discussions, sharing their opinions, requesting songs, and connecting with other fans. This interactivity deepens the emotional bond between "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" and its audience.
  • News and Updates: Beyond music, the website serves as a source of local news and entertainment updates. It features articles, videos, and social media feeds that keep listeners informed about current events, trending stories, and upcoming events within the Atlanta community. This content expansion strengthens the station's role as a multifaceted information provider.
  • Exclusive Content: The website provides exclusive content not available on the radio broadcast. This includes behind-the-scenes footage, artist interviews, and special mixes, offering listeners a deeper dive into the world of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta." This exclusive content adds value for dedicated fans and further differentiates the station's digital presence.

Overall, the website complements the station's on-air programming by providing a robust digital platform for listener engagement, content expansion, and community building. It strengthens "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"'s connection with its audience, establishing a strong digital presence that enhances the overall listening experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"

This section aims to address common inquiries and provide informative responses regarding "Hot 107.9 Atlanta."

Question 1: What is the frequency of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"?

Hot 107.9 Atlanta broadcasts on the frequency 107.9 MHz on the FM dial, ensuring wide accessibility and clear reception within its coverage area.

Question 2: What is the format of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"?

Hot 107.9 Atlanta primarily focuses on a mix of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music, catering to a diverse audience and establishing a unique musical identity.

Question 3: Who owns and operates "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"?

Hot 107.9 Atlanta is owned and operated by Cox Media Group, a prominent media and communications company with a strong track record in the industry.

Question 4: What is the target audience of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"?

Hot 107.9 Atlanta primarily targets adults between the ages of 18 and 49, recognizing this demographic's significant influence and engagement within the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Question 5: What is the coverage area of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"?

Hot 107.9 Atlanta's signal effectively covers the Atlanta metropolitan area, ensuring that its programming reaches a vast and diverse audience across the region.

Question 6: Does "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" have an online presence?

Yes, Hot 107.9 Atlanta maintains an active online presence through its website,, providing listeners with additional content, engagement opportunities, and station updates.

In summary, "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" is an influential radio station in the Atlanta metropolitan area, offering a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music to its target audience of adults aged 18-49. Owned and operated by Cox Media Group, the station's strong signal coverage ensures wide accessibility, while its online presence extends its reach and engagement opportunities.

Continue below to explore further details and insights about "Hot 107.9 Atlanta."

Tips from "Hot 107.9 Atlanta"

Radio station "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" offers valuable insights and guidance to its listeners through its programming and online platforms. Here are some key tips provided by the station:

Tip 1: Embrace Diversity in Music

Hot 107.9 Atlanta encourages listeners to explore and appreciate a wide range of musical genres and artists. By expanding musical horizons, individuals can enrich their cultural understanding, discover new favorites, and foster a deeper appreciation for the art of music.

Tip 2: Support Local Artists

The station emphasizes the importance of supporting local music talent. By attending concerts, purchasing music, and engaging with local artists on social media, listeners can contribute to the growth and success of their community's creative scene.

Tip 3: Stay Informed through Local News

Hot 107.9 Atlanta recognizes the crucial role of local news in keeping communities informed and engaged. The station encourages listeners to tune in for regular updates on local events, traffic, weather, and other important matters that directly affect their lives.

Tip 4: Participate in Community Events

The station actively participates in and promotes various community events, recognizing the importance of fostering social connections and supporting local initiatives. Listeners are encouraged to engage in these events, whether as volunteers, attendees, or participants, to strengthen community bonds and make a positive impact.

Tip 5: Use Technology Responsibly

Hot 107.9 Atlanta acknowledges the pervasive presence of technology in modern life. The station advises listeners to use technology wisely, maintaining a balanced approach that enhances their lives without compromising well-being or personal interactions.


By incorporating these tips into their daily lives, listeners of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" can broaden their musical horizons, support local artists, stay informed about their community, engage in meaningful experiences, and utilize technology responsibly. These tips contribute to personal enrichment, community involvement, and a well-rounded lifestyle.


The exploration of "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" reveals a multifaceted radio station that has played a significant role in shaping the Atlanta music scene while fostering a strong connection with its community. Its unique blend of hip-hop, R&B, and pop music, combined with its commitment to local artists and community involvement, has solidified its position as a leading entertainment and information source in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

As the station continues to embrace new technologies and adapt to the evolving media landscape, it is poised to maintain its relevance and influence in the years to come. "Hot 107.9 Atlanta" serves as a testament to the enduring power of radio in connecting communities, providing entertainment, and inspiring cultural growth.

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