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President Biden would expand his 2020 margin of victory over former President Donald Trump if a rematch were held today, according to a new poll exclusively shared with The Post Wednesday.

The WPA Intelligence survey of 1,571 registered voters found Biden, 80, leading 76-year-old Trump 47% to 40%. By comparison, Biden defeated Trump by 4.5 percentage points in the 2020 popular vote, while former President Barack Obama won re-election over Republican Mitt Romney by 3.9 percentage points in 2012.

The poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5% and was conducted between May 10 and 13, also showed independent voters backing Biden by a whopping 14 percentage points, up from the nine percentage points by which the Democrat won independents three years ago, per the Pew Research Center.

Wednesday’s poll also showed Democrats leading generic down-ballot races 47% to 42% with Trump at the top of the Republican ticket.

Despite the grim reading for Trump supporters, the poll also shows Biden remains vulnerable to defeat next year.

Just 46% of voters approve and 54% of voters disapprove of the job the president is doing, with 42% strongly disapproving.

President Biden is leading former President Trump by 7 percentage points in a potential 2024 election rematch. AFP via Getty Images
Biden, 80, would beat 76-year-old Trump 47% to 40% if the next presidential election were held today, the poll shows. CJ GUNTHER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Only 39% of registered voters have a favorable impression of the commander-in-chief, with 54% having an unfavorable impression.

Also, just 22% believe the country is on the right track, whereas 78% believe it is on the wrong track.

However, Trump’s ratings are even worse, with 32% of registered voters having a favorable impression compared to 62% with unfavorable impressions.

The 45th president fared even worse among independents, with just 21% having a favorable impression and 71% having an unfavorable impression.

Biden holds a comfortable lead over Trump in the poll. WPA Intelligence
The lead comes despite poor job approval ratings from the public. WPA Intelligence

“Despite Joe Biden’s unpopularity, our poll found that he would win re-election in a rematch against Donald Trump by a bigger margin than the one he had in 2020,” said WPA principal Amanda Iovino, who oversaw the polling. 

“It’s clear from the data that Trump’s standing with Independents has weakened considerably since the 2020 election and that he has failed to attract new voters. This should surprise no one, as it is entirely consistent with last year’s election results among Trump-backed candidates in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and other states.”

WPA Intelligence CEO Chris Wilson is an adviser to Never Back Down, a super PAC aligned with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ expected bid for the presidency.

Just 22% of voters believe the country is on the right track, whereas 78% believe it is on the wrong track. Getty Images

The polling firm said Wilson was not involved with the survey and the poll was not sponsored by Never Back Down or its associates.

The president last enjoyed a 7-point margin over Trump in a USA Today/Suffolk poll from December, which surveyed 1,000 registered voters nationwide.
